I have deer wander in my yard. I used to freak out and throw rocks at them to get out. But a bird could just as well fly over and deposit one in my yard.
I got bit in a back yard patio that was all concrete around a swimming pool. I was on the clean up committee for the luncheon and I gathered up the table cloths off the tables. I think either the little dog or the cat that was wandering around gave a tick a ride to the table cloth and it bit me on my forearm. I must have been a nymph because I never saw it. Just the bite and I, being a woodsy living person, never thought a thing about
the bite, except that it took a long time to heal and the rash was rather large. I thought it was a spider or a flea and got out the benadryl in case of a reaction. Nothing - and then about
6 weeks later lyme symptoms started.
The point of the above is to tell you that no one is safe anywhere. It is the luck of the draw if you get lyme. I think there are many people that get bit and do not get lyme. I think they have super healthy immune systems that ward it off, just like some don't get the flu or the cold.
My immune system at that 6 week timeline was very low. I had a huge amount of stress and had gone to a cocktail party and over indulged. Lyme was there, saw the opportunity and took me when I was down.
I love Buhner and his take on herbs and for kids, that is what I would use.
Now that it is tick season I make my husband take Astragalus daily. He works out in the woods a lot and I want him protected. However, diet is super important to be healthy along with hydration. And of course, no stress!