I agree--
I think everyone treating antimicrobials like we are should be binding and detoxing the gut. It's not only helpful for the treatment, but it helps promote regular elimination, which is also healing to the gut where 70% of our immune system lives. So you're getting a triple support effect using binders.
They aren't always easy to use because of the time buffers but I don't think there is a more impactful detox mechanism.
I didn't see a whole lot of difference between bentonite clay and charcoal, other than the charcoal capsules were easier to hual around with me when I traveled and the clay is easier to drink down quickly (ugh... pills). I've tried other lesser binders but these two are the best OTC.
Cholestyramine (PURE, via Rx) is by far much more effective for me (I wrote about
it in the "New to Lyme?" post on yeast/fungus:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275I've forgotten the difference btwn fresh cilantro herbs (yummy) and the chelator form (you can probably Google it) but if you do take the concentrated chelation form of cilantro, be VERY careful, as chelation involves leaching heavy metals from tissues, which requires a successful detoxing in order to eliminate the metals and prevent them from being absorbed.
Some people also use chlorella and other chelators to "bind" but they should really only be used for chelating due to the reasons I included above.
As always, start very slowly and steadily increase to optimal doses/frequency.