jennysetter said...
Traveler, what does quertercin do? Does it help the lymph system drain?
Any other suggestions on how to make this go away? It's been pretty hot here in Arizona, but the heat has never caused me this ankles are not quite back to normal yet, either.....and they're a little achy.
My understanding is that quercetin inhibits the cytokine process - the inflammation and the pain that can come with inflammation. We know that Lyme itself is an inflammatory infection and can cause the cytokine process to run out of control. I've started off on a very low dose and am building it up slowly so I can judge if it's helping and by how much.
"Our study provides evidence that quercetin may suitable for the treatment of mast cell-derived allergic inflammatory diseases.""Quercetin (1) is known to have both antioxidant and antinociceptive (sensation of painful stimuli) effects."Quercetin is itself is a very good for treating cytokine cascade problems. "