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Low Ferritin, but RBC, hemoglobin normal
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Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
Posts : 48577
Posted 6/15/2016 7:26 PM (GMT -5)
So, what does this mean? My GP told me I should try and bring it up with an iron supplement.
Is it possible to have symptoms with low ferritin when the RBC count and hemoglobin are in normal range?
I'm wondering if I could blame my shivering and intolerance to cold on it?
I'm not sure about
supplementing - I read that it can be harmful if you really don't need it.
Elite Member
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Posted 6/15/2016 8:42 PM (GMT -5)
Ferritine is iron in the blood :
So you have a blood test that shows you're deficient.
RBC is total red blood cell count.
Hemoglobin is oxygen levels in the cells.
Little Bear (LB)
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Posted 6/15/2016 9:30 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Girlie!-
I read an article online this is what it said:
"The development of iron deficiency anemia is a gradual process. If your body is not taking in enough iron, your body first uses the iron that is stored in tissue (i.e., ferritin) and blood levels of ferritin will begin to decrease. If not corrected the stored iron begins to be depleted as it is used in the production of red blood cells. In the early stages of iron-deficiency, blood levels of iron can be normal while stored iron, and therefore ferritin levels, will begin to decrease. "
I hope this helps
Best Wishes!
Forum Moderator
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Posted 6/15/2016 11:00 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks, Traveler and LB.
Yes, my last lab work showed lower ferritin levels...not really low - it was 50.
But, I was wondering why my hemoglobin and RBC labs were good.
I had asked my Dr. if it's because the RBC are 'robbing' from the Ferritin - and she thought that was the case.
That sounds like what you described below, LB.
I also read that it might not be that 'simple'...that there are other tests that should be done before you go supplementing. Transferrin and Serum Iron are a couple.
It also said don't just start taking iron supplements unless you know for sure...
I guess I will start supplementing at a low dose. I bought Floradix.
Regular Member
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Posted 6/16/2016 6:10 AM (GMT -5)
I have the same issue. Ferritin is in the single digits, but other stuff is within range, but on low side. I try to supplement with SlowFe because of nausea, but I only get about
a week in before it's too much.
Doc said to make sure and take with some form (supplement or natural) of Vitamin C for maximum absorbption! For some reason 500 mg of Vit C sticks out in my brain, but I can't handle juices of any kind, so I take a support when I can tolerate the iron.
Does anyone know of a "good" iron supplement that might be gentler on the tummy?
You can also increase iron by cooking with a cast iron pan, if I didn't have the glass top stove I would be all over that method!
Also, do you eat meat,.especially red? And spinach, you can look up iron rich foods to help get that number up!
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
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Posted 6/16/2016 10:47 AM (GMT -5)
Have you tried the Flora brand of iron supplement? It's a liquid. It's sold in the Health food stores. I used it for our son when he had undiagnosed celiac and he tolerated it well.
That is the one I bought...I've only taken it once so far. It didn't bother my tummy. I did take it on a full stomach..which may have helped.
And, yes, taking Vitamin C is good with it.
I do eat some red meat...but not regularly. Maybe once every week or two.
My concern is when I was reading about
supplementing iron...I saw information that talked about
iron feeding cancer...and it's not always a good idea to take it...unless it's necessary.
My ferritin isn't that kind of on the fence about
Veteran Member
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Posted 6/16/2016 10:56 AM (GMT -5)
I get my iron from food.
Top 10 Iron Rich Foods List
1) Liver
3 oz: 5.6 mg (31% DV)
2) Beef steak
3 oz: 1.8 mg (10% DV)
3) Navy beans
½ c: 2.3 mg (13% DV)
4) Black beans
½ c: 1.8 mg (10% DV)
5) Spinach
½ c: 3.2 mg (18% DV)
6) Swiss chard
½ c: 2.0 mg (11% DV)
7) Egg yolk
1 large: 0.46 mg (3% DV)
8) Prunes
1 cup: 1.6 mg (8% DV)
9) Artichokes
1 cup: 2 mg (11% DV)
10) Collard greens
1 cup: 0.17 mg (1% DV)
Artichokes being my most favorite!! I will even go so far to cook an extra one so I can have it cold the next day. Nothing on it, just da leaves - and of course the prize at the end, the heart!
Elite Member
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Posted 6/16/2016 11:10 AM (GMT -5)
Why aren't you using cast iron on your glass top stove? I have a glass top stove and use my cast iron - of course I did ask the dealer about
it, and then looked it up online too before doing so. I simply can't cook without ever using a cast iron skillet!! Eggs are never the same in another skillet!! LOL!
Forum Moderator
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Posted 6/16/2016 11:20 AM (GMT -5)
I have a cast iron pan, too....but don't use it often.
It does make the best eggs, you're right, Traveler!
Regular Member
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Posted 6/16/2016 1:19 PM (GMT -5)
I have a Frigadaire glass top stove. We were told not to use cast iron or it would break the glass? I always wondered if I was really careful if it would be okay as I would much rather use that to cook with regardless of my iron problem. I'm gonna look it up :)
I grew up with cast iron, but with a gas stove, and I love it!
PeteZa, I try to get mine from food as much as possible, but unfortunately can't tolerate ANY red meats anymore (started when I was about
7 years old, maybe 23ish years ago, when all my other IBS/gut issues happened). I expel everything from everywhere when I do consume (sometimes while I'm still eating it :(, is not fun). Docs cant explain that either, told me I have a nervous stomach?! (Only happens when I eat red meat now, so I'm not buying the "it's all in your head" diagnoses anymore)
I do consume spinach (raw and cooked), black beans nearly every single day and eggs, but my ferritin is still super low. And I barely have a period, so we know it's not that. Doc has no idea why it's so low as I used to consume meat every single day with every meal except for breakfast!
Girlie, I have only ever tried to the SlowFe taken with my dinner meal to try and curb the nausea. I will try and find the Flora brand, thank you sooooo much!! If you aren't too low in the ferritin area, why not use that cast skillet to cook iron rich foods for awhile?
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
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Posted 6/16/2016 1:25 PM (GMT -5)
PantsFace - I might just do that (use my cast iron) - I don't use a frying pan very not sure if that would be enough. I eat a lot of salads...most of my eggs are soft or hard boiled.
If I make chicken, it's usually in the oven...or now on the bbq.
I'm thinking if I take the Floradix for a while...get the level up...then see if I can maintain after I've stopped the Floradix.
I think getting the Ferritin tested a few more times - maybe every 6-8 weeks may give me a better picture.
I don't know if it's been this level for a while...or if it's dropping steadily...I guess time will tell. It may have been affected by the infections...particularly babesia...
Regular Member
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Posted 6/16/2016 1:37 PM (GMT -5)
I dont know if Bart can do it to? I have symptoms of both Babs and Bart, but originally tested negative and received Bart as a clinical diagnoses. And with those red spots all over my body, I know it's one or both of them!!!
I'm glad you told me about
the con of taking the iron too, since skin cancer is rampant in my family. I will keep on top of that.
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
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Posted 6/16/2016 1:54 PM (GMT -5)
RE: cancer. I don't know if it's linked to causing cancer....just if you have will feed it.
I would think that taking a low or moderate amount of iron supplement would be okay...
It's also not good to be low in I guess we gotta find the middle ground.
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
Posts : 48577
Posted 6/16/2016 1:55 PM (GMT -5)
I wonder if you can have symptoms with low ferritin - when the RBC and hemoglobin are normal (as is my case)?
Wondering if my constant cold feeling is related....
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