wpack3 said...
I have been reading the board for a month or so. I have also gotten some feedback from Traveler, who is awesome. I am a 37 yr old male. I was in very good shape/healthy and then about 18 months ago was diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome. I spent the last year going to doctor after doctor trying to get better. about a month ago a ND diagnosed me with Lyme. I am still not 100% convinced, but here are my symptoms:
1) Symptoms that have been consistent:
a) Headaches- for 2 years I have gotten headaches, the frequency of the headaches has increased to 4-5 per week.
b) Neck pain- The neck pain isn't bad every day but the muscles are "ropey", you can feels knots in them. It used to be mainly on the right side, now it is both sides. I also have a lot of tender spots in my neck and shoulders.
(FYI I have recently developed "trigger points/muscle knots" in my upper back and lower back on both sides. When I press on them it feels tender, causes pain. I would say overall there is a feeling of very tight muscles in my neck/shoulders etc and the area has become more painful over the past two years.
c) gluten sensitivity- I never had any trouble with gluten but starting summer of 2014 I would have digestive trouble and limited bowel movements if I didn't really limit my gluten intake. I haven't had to go completely gluten free but have had to change my diet. Again, I had no trouble with gluten prior to 2014.
d) Sleep difficulty- I have to take melatonin supplements each night and Pamelor, a pharmecutical to get to sleep because I struggle to fall asleep on my own. I didn't use to have any trouble with this.
The above symptoms are the major ones, the next 3 are not as significant but I still wanted to list:
e) Reduced ability to concentrate. I am still able to work and get things done but I do not have the level of concentration and attention to detail that I am use to having.
f) Reduced energy- Part of this could be I am in my late 30's but I know my energy level is down from 4-5 years ago.
g) Sensitivity to cold- I didn't use to mind the cold but in the last few years I hate it, I am always looking at the forecast and talking about wanting to move to a climate like Florida
2) Symptoms that have not been consistent:
a) For late 2013 and 2014 I would have bizarre pain in my right foot. Often times it would be with me when I woke up in the morning and as I went thru the day it would get a little better, sometimes not. Sometimes I would have several weeks when the pain wasn't there and then it would come back for a week or so. I had an MRI, X-ray and Physical Therapy. All came back clear, no one could figure out what the problem was. In April 2015 the pain went away and has never come back
b) In late 2013 and early 2014 I several months where I would get numbness in my hands when I would lay down. I went to a neurologist and they found nothing wrong. I haven't really had a problem with that since.
c) 2013-2015 if I had my shoes off my feet would get very cold, it has gotten a little bit better in the last few months but part of that is the summer, but I still get colder than usual feet if I don't have shoes on.
During the time period of 2012, 2013, 2014 my wife, kids and I were outside in the woods a lot so it is possible I could have had a tick bite.
I do know that the muscle pain and trigger points do sound like MPS but no one knows what causes MPS or how to cure it, it is like Fibromyalgia in many ways, a label put on some symptoms. I have a hard time believing what I have is Lyme because it seems to me I am missing a lot of symptoms many others have. But I am very interested in the thoughts of those on this board.
Welcome to the forum. You said that your ND diagnosed you with Lyme. How was the diagnosis made? It sounds like it was made based on symptoms.