Mister Mike / Antonio -
I combine a few drops of Rosemary, Black Pepper, Thyme, Lavender, German Chamomile, Geranium, Clove totaling around 20 drops in around 10 ml carrier of Jojoba oil. I've experimented with 50% DMSO 50% olive oil carrier too.
I guess the blend I use is sort of a combination of the two BFB formulas.
This is the black pepper I use:
/www.originalswissaromatics.com/proddetail.php?prod=%23166I don't use the Tangerine oil because I've read that citrus oils can be photosensitizing.
The Geranium addition has some research backing it up:
"Geranium essential oil inhibits the growth of endodontic enterococcal species ...
and is effective against bacteria protected in biofilm at higher concentrations. In addition, bacteria do not develop resistance to essential oils."
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26703546I also like the crazy blue color the German Chamomile contributes and it seems it has some anti-biofilm properties too:
"German chamomile according to Pourabbas et al. and Pujar and Makandar retard biofilm formation and thereby prevent gingival inflammation."
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3894093/I would use them once a week a few hours before a Rife/ultrasound session. I started this around Dec and started having to detox like crazy. By March the sinus area seemed to be mostly cleared, well, at least I can breathe clearly now and haven't been able to trigger any further major detoxing. The application of the oils near where the biofilm is seems to help.