Posted 7/14/2016 10:14 AM (GMT -5)
The extreme overuse of abx could set a person up for intestinal parasites, but won't "cause" it. Some abx can lower the immune function some, and that can be enough for certain people to not be able to control the parasites that is normal for a person to have, so they "over grow" and become a real problem. That person then needs to go on anti-parasitics and other treatments to carefully remove the parasites, but not too fast as some may be able to make him so weak that it could become an issue.
But just taking abx won't do this to a person. There has to be something else going on, unless their immune function is highly compromised - or they have been eating and doing all the wrong food and activities. For example, eating raw fish and pork can allow parasites to increase in a person.