Hi Questing --
I'm not sure why you haven't received responses yet... maybe it's just too much for people to post all their sx and approach. It is for me - maybe on a better day.
But I'm bumping to get more visibility.
And you seem to be doing quite well with your protocol!
Your detoxing is top notch.
A few thoughts I had in reading -
Have you tried cistus incanus tea for biofilms?
I'm a broken record but if you already have a yeast/fungal overgrowth it will be tough for the natural antifungals to lick it. And you run the risk of those natural antifungals (which ARE effective in management and preventive modes) developing a resistance in the y/f.
And it's a challenge to your treatment and immune system if you don't get y/f back in balance. So I would surely focus on reducing the y/f if you think it might be an issue. When I finally got my y/f load down, I had much less intense symptoms like muscle pain and fatigue, joint pain and stiffness, less fatigue, sore throat, headaches, improved appetite, moodiness, sleep disturbances, etc... Many of these sx continued but at a reduced intensity, which really helped me clarify my lyme & co treatment more specifically. More info here:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275Not sure exactly what your sleep issues are but with sugar imbalances, sometimes it's helpful to at a little protein and complex carb right before bed (literally, a small snack). This helps prevent a cortisol surge in the middle of the night, which can sometimes wake us up or cause a restless sleep.