Posted 8/15/2016 10:38 AM (GMT -5)
Real quick recap wife started getting symptoms about 7 weeks ago and started Doxy (100mg 2x/day) about 3 weeks ago. Existing symptoms increased and lots of new ones popped up. Doctor wants her to take a 3 day break to see what happens with the symptoms. The Doxy might be too much for her system to handle I know it was for me and my chest issues when I started taking it 12 months into treatment.
I only recently started pulsing myself with the primary idea being let the bugs think its safe to come out so you can whack em but also give your body a rest and/or manage symptoms. Worth saying this over and over because sometimes we just get a bunch of abx to take on a daily basis and we're in a lot of pain and it never seems to end.
Fighting these buggers is like playing a game of Stratego it takes planning, coordination and a long term strategy to win the war not a blitzkrieg which is what we wish but almost never works.