artermix said...
@Traveler>>> page 354 t0 360 that is the entire section on uncaria species.
I do not have muscles twitches or spams, only a feeling of weakness like I want to let go. Also feels like I have drunk tons of coffee (without the tremors)
@ cd...ok so too late...I did take 1/4...I will resize that dose from now on. Jesus...I am probably taking too much of everything. I don't know if I have been herxing since Aug 2 so far and just don't recognize it.
Yes I got this Buhner protocol fatigue formula from Montana Farmacy.!shop/ch8j check it here. I read the ingredients when I bought it....I thought "yeah that's what I am looking for!!".
you should be able to recognize a herx....increase in symptoms? new symptoms?