Posted 9/20/2016 10:01 AM (GMT -5)
Been on abx 19 months and my core symptoms aren't really getting much better so I decided to try and mix it up again. Will continue to work with my LLMD via abx for a bit longer but decided to start rifing for Bartonella at 832 and also adding in Japanese Knotweed and Sida Acuta only. Trying to keep it simple while adding in things one at a time that may give me benefit.
I've made a few mistakes in the past I need to learn from going forward. Sharing it here so others don't take the same road.
- Adding in too many things at once
Impossible to know what benefit you're getting if you add more than one thing at a time in too short a period
- Not giving new things enough time to run their course
When I've added things in the past and had an increase in symptoms I would sometimes back off but usually stopped them. Maybe they were working? Need to go low and slow
- Impatience
We need to give new things enough time to work. Some things can take weeks before you see any impact. I've been so desperate to get rid of the symptoms I've gone was too fast with too many things at once and that's only created confusion on the path forward
There are so many great things that can help but you can't do them all and not all work for everyone. Need to be very pragmatic for your individual situation.