tymeheals said...
Girlie, Thanks for the reply and I'm in BC too and have the same LLND as you and are now starting to "branch out" a little. He is a great doctor but lately seems a little too busy and rushed. Reached out to Dr. Z in the Valley but she's not accepting. Dr. Z runs a support group which we may attend in the future...
My wife started with herbs and then went antibiotics and current on anti-parasitic's. IV Ceftriaxone was the one that seemed to help a lot after we had a heart scare. Early on we had success with Amox but didn't understand herxing and stopped thinking it was resistance. Confusion reigns for the newly diagnosed. Learned a lot over the year and half. Wish we would have started with anti-parasitic's first...Lately it seems like all of her early Lyme symptoms are cycling back...chest pain, head fog and pain in the feet and ankles. Almost like things are in reverse if that sounds right???
I think it's time to think outside the box so to speak now. I'm worried about the long term effects of anti-biotics.
How long has your wife been seeing Dr. C? I started end of August,2014 and have noticed a difference lately - I agree he is busy and rushed. I need someone at this point who can really put on his/her thinking cap and not someone who is 'mailing it in' so to speak.
I still recommend him, because he is the most experienced, and is healing many. He's also very friendly and easy-going...so when I request a certain antibiotic, he usually appeases me.
But, he kind of dropped the ball the last few months...
I have seen one in Victoria...and am going to see her again. She had a phone conversation with the bart guru, Dr. Mozayeni recently...and is going to go through what I've taken...and see if she can help with my bartonella treatment. She is also going to the ILADS conference in a few weeks.
If you want her information, email me.