Pirouette said...
Hi Sissy -
I know this is pretty frustrating... You're trying to learn so much, you feel horrible, and a lot of times the MD's conversations are confusing and their approach doesn't alway make sense.
I think your MD is giving you good advice, though. Thyroid tests (even the most comprehensive ones) are not entirely 100% informative. The best measure of what does/doesn't work is how you feel. Yet, this is SO complicated because of so many things that have overlapping symptoms and the treatment for lyme & co can stir up a lot of other confusing symptoms.
I also agree with you MD's approach in tackling one thing at a time. The crazy thing is, your thyroid controls MANY bodily functions that are interconnected; the lyme & co can cause an imbalance 'here', which results in an imbalance 'there'... it's a maze. The idea is to figure out what is causing what --as best you can and start building everything from there.
I have been on 1 grain of the Naturethroid for years and finally decided to try doubling it - kind of cold turkey. I've felt nothing and suspect the dose is still too low. You do want to be careful with your dose but you are still on a pretty low dose. Be sure you are taking it on an empty stomach and are chewing it - the enteric coating is not easily dissolved with stomach acids. It's also been suggested that we need a 12-hr dose, which suggests you should split up your dose. I now dose on 12 hr schedule but again, noticed no difference in increasing. So I'm also in an investigative stage.
Regarding your sx -
They are common hypothyroid symptoms but all of them also overlap with babesia (fatigue, night sweats, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain) and fatigue, anxiety, insomnia can also be due to bart or lyme or high viral load... sorry - this doesn't help but those are common symptoms.
It is awesome that you are tapering off Xanax - those types of drugs tend to suppress symptoms but the underlying cause goes unaddressed, adding confusion when you're trying to treat something as complicated as lyme & co.
Regarding your next appt -
- Have you ever listed your symptoms comprehensively? Do you keep a daily diary?
- What are you doing to detox?
- Have you ever talked w/ him about a comprehensive dx? People who contract lyme from tick bites generally are infected with other microbes (ticks are filthy, it's highly doubtful they carry only lyme).
It's tough to suggest other questions w/out understanding your history of infection, how long you went untreated, what labs you've had done, etc... so that might be helpful to provide to get more input from people.
My doctor has my huge list of symptoms that probably started 20+ years ago and the huge list of doctors, specialists, test, etc I have been through. I also felt like a hypochondriac. From my reading, that seems to be a common theme for those of us at the chronic stage.
I have been told over the years I had fibromyalgia, benign irregular heartbeat, cough endured asthma, anxiety/depression, carpal tunnel syndrome (had surgery and still have issues), and plantar fasciitis, hypothyroidism, and IBS. I had horrible periods that resulted in a hysterectomy. I probably missed some things, but you get the idea.
Thankfully I found a functional medicine doctor who is trying to piecec it all together.
For detox I am taking Epsom salt baths regularly, drinking boatloads of water, taking Milk Thistle and Curcumin.
I don't keep much of a daily diary other than what supplements and medications I took that day.
I am taking Transfer Factor Lymplus twice a day. It needs to be on an empty stomach. I am not sure how to take the NatureThroid twice a day on an empty stomach without having interfence with other supplements.
I have been swallowing the NatureThroid whole.
As probably everyone else on this site experiences....getting well becomes our life. We have to constantly think about
what to eat and when, how much water we are drinking, when to take our medication, when to take our supplements. On top of it, I have the Xanax taper, so I am constantly thinking about
when to taper again and weighing out pills for the following week.