Hi lymebug -
A few ideas to think about
- 2 months is on the very (very) short end of a treatment process. Most people require longer treatment, even with manageable symptoms. So ongoing symptoms may or may not be associated with coinfections.
- with a bite, coinfections are more likely than not. Think about
the origin of the infections... most ticks are infected by field mice. Imagine all of the pathogens in wild mice. The likelihood that you've been infected with only lyme is pretty slim, IMO.
- determining which coinfections you might have can be challenging. This questionnaire is very helpful - fill it out and talk w/ your LLMD about
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3033860 - regarding Bart - I've read that the majority of US population has some form of bart due to how common it is in household pets (cats). So your suspicion about
bart is not far-fetched.
- please be sure you are on something that supports liver function (milk thistle seed, burdock root) maybe even take a break from treatment and do a liver cleanse...
- I would consider staying on the lyme abx awhile longer and incorporate antimicrobial herbal tinctures for lyme (to provide broader coverage). There are a few good ones to choose from. I would also incorporate an L-form buster like samento or banderol - the spirochetes have had time to shift forms since you were initially infected.
- Your herxing might increase on the herbs - so you might want to prepare by increasing your detox.
- Once you have achieved a more comprehensive lyme protocol (adding in herbs, increasing detox) then I would also "test" a response to bart with an antimicrobial tincture that is geared toward bart (there are a few to choose from). This is a gentler way of testing if you also have bart and it's a good way to treat it without knowing 100% if you have bart, and to treat it without overwhelming your liver, as well.
- alternatively, I have had achey fingers since I started treatment, which I always attributed to Lyme & co... and that may still be a good assumption. However, once I eliminated lingering yeast/fungal issues my fingers also stopped aching. Symptoms from y/f overgrowth overlaps so many Lyme & co symptoms that it's mind-boggling... and most people who are on the level of abx that we are also end up with y/f overgrowth. So that is something to investigate. Here is more info:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275Hope this is helpful -
Post Edited (Pirouette) : 10/18/2016 5:44:27 PM (GMT-6)