As some may know I only have experience with Herbal Tinctures. To save money I bought a Pill Machine-size 0 and several pounds of herbs but in Powder form. I now have a kitchen full of Cat's ---Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
-Japanese Knotweet
-Red Root
-milk thistle seed
So yeah, I sorta declared WAR on all that ails me
One little problem I discovered however. I am not doing at all well in my pill making. My back is SO damaged from both the 4 bullet & shrapnel wounds as well as the 6 spine fusions that in just an hour or less both arms and hands grow SO numb I can't even
open or close a zip lock bag much less operate that simple little pill making machine. OOPS....
So before I go into a full panic that my antidepressant can't help me with, anyone know if there is some way to make a tea or SOMETHING with all these 1 pound bags of stuff? I don't care ANYTHING at all about
how awful it may taste, I just need to find out if there is some way at all to salvage all this? I tried stirring these into water, using a "shaker" to dissolve them in water. Every time I get a muddy glass or jar with "SAND" in the bottom. If I tried to get my wife to make a tea, would that not RUIN any of the medicinal value of the herbs?
ANY ideas, I will be forver in your debt. My hands and back are just too far gone for this I fear? If I don't get spasms, my arms and legs have so many little "seizures" I look like I am shadow boxing the Devil instead of makin pills! Or, tryin to grab that sucker by the horns? Sure hope someone who know about
such things can help me. OR tell me gently I am screwed?