Patty, I get mine in a box from the health food stores. Amazon has it.. Pacific brand and I highly recommend the turkey. It tastes less salty and has less herbs. More of a turkey flavor.
I use it in lieu of water in a lot of my recipes. I love it in any soup base. Cook rise in it. I drain canned organic soup and use the bone broth. I rinse off cans of organic beans and put bone broth with them.
Any way I can, I use it. And the turkey is great just to drink warmed like a tea. is the most luscious bone broth I have ever had.... but what a flippin chore and why I now go to the packages bone broth. I don't like the taste of all the vegetables that everyone seems to think goes in bone broth. It doesn't really add to the bone broth and you boil the heck out of perfectly good vegetables that are no longer worthy of eating after 18 hours on the stove. So don't waste the veggies.