So recently a pathologist was in a panel with ally hilfiger and mentioned the tesearch at skidmore is anthony holand and he shows video of PLASMA rife. Shattering a few protozoa ..using the resonant frequency and the 11th harmonic apparently the disodence is key...
i have done a little experimentation with my microacope looking at spiroketes and even though i herxed the crap out of my friend with lyme i did not hit the njmber of the ones i was looking at in scope ...the were all diff wet ent sizes and from my physics the size would determine frequency ...
i have heard anedoctal stories of gb4000 with mopa putting lyme in remission it worked on my strep ..and with the help of dna frequncys .com i herxed the crap out of my fathers prostate using the guide she has for pathogens and their diseases ...
enjoy the vid but also know my microscopy showed the ketes running and dying under bee venom ...rocephin didnt even faze em...
the cheapest plasma machine is the spooky central and a pc is needed as a controller was about
25 bBenjamins. ..also my friend with als who is better on bvt donated her gb4000 with contacts to the lyme clinic
/ Edited (bluelyme) : 10/25/2016 11:24:07 PM (GMT-6)