I think reading about
flare versus herx might be good.
www.tiredoflyme.com/herx-vs-flare-up.htmlI got flares. I had not done anything new - herbs, food, etc. My flares were just the natural progression of lyme disease. Frustrating for me and sometimes they were every other day and sometimes they were a week apart. No definite timeline to mine.
I would continue on the core protocol. This is just lil ole me giving advice. Not a doctor. I would add in some collagen protection and cytokine remodulation as per Buhner's protocol. Cat's claw won't hurt to add in next, if that is what you have available. You might want to break those caps in half by buying some empty caps.
Anyway, this is what I would do. And just so you know I flared all the way until one day they just quit, and then I held my breath thinking they would return every day. I think anticipating a flare or return of a symptom was horrible. So maybe he won't deal with this anticipation and anxiety because he is a kid. I hope.
I was a worry wort about
them coming back. And, it still is in my mind.