So following up to my chiro appointment. First she was awesome! She did a thorough review of my history and the appointment lasted 2 hours.
So what did I find out: 1) no sugar regulation issues (yay!); 2) adrenal issues (reconfirmed); 3) viruses/bacteria (EBV, HHV6, mycoplasma) reconfirmed through muscle testing; 4) lyme/co's--OK this is the biggie.
I have been muscle tested 3x by 3 different doctors and ALL of them say there is no Lyme and co's. They all agree that my main issues are mycoplasma and EBV. All three have stated that mycoplasma causes all kinds of issues that Lyme and different co's can. Even Buhner says it is a bear. Oh and no confirmed positive lab testing.
Further the doctors that I have seen also believe the above, but have been treating based on symptoms. When I research symptoms a lot of what I have do fit the mycoplasma profile.
Anyway the 1st step for her was to give me a homeopathic for 10 days to additional adrenal support. I see her again in 10 days.
I just recently added in cordyceps as that is a biggie for mycoplasma. I've been doing beyond balance myco formula for about
3 weeks I believe. And I've been doing houtt for months. At my last doctors appointment he wanted to do LDI for myco but we started with EBV. Guess I'll try the LDI for myco since I don't think he will do another EBV
for another week or two. I did feel a little better after the EBV LDI but it was short lived.
I have a follow-up with the chiro next Wednesday.