Welcome to this community. Your symptoms would, in my view, be a match for lyme. Good job finding this place.
This is a GREAT collated bit of info to begin considering this further.
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610This screening tool, developed by a Dr. who has treated thousands of patients convinced me to pursue a probable lyme and co-infections scenario. It was then clinically diagnosed by a CMD/WD and a naturopath.
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610 If you score over 45, then he suggests discussing the results with your Doctor.
If you DON'T have a Dr. who will sign a form for IGEN-X, there is a firm you can order through that I used, best investment I made! I used True Health Labs.
If you are on a tight budget, and can't afford a lyme literate Dr. (initial consults start at $600 on up into the thousands with not all covered by insurance) it is possible to figure it out with an herbal approach, if your body responds well.
ONE: nutrition - NO SUGAR, NO ALCOHOL, NO processed foods, many benefit also from no caffeine, no dairy, no gluten. IF it is a bacterial infection you want to create an environment they don't like. I began with a loose paleo diet, then began to do an anti-inflammatory diet, and then, tried GAPS for a bit.
TWO: herbs - Stephen Buhner, love his approach. An infamous moderator Traveler uses chronic tonic.
Free Buhner info here: I eventually bought his books.
buhnerhealinglyme.com/the-protocols/THREE: If it is lyme and co-infections, detoxing will become a familiar term as will "herx" reactions.
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlP.s. don't waste your time with an infectious disease dr., in my view. They stand on the side of uninformed and mis-information when it comes to this concept of "lyme wars." Others warned me, had to experience it before I was convinced of it.
www.chelseagreen.com/blogs/welcome-lyme-wars/and once again! Welcome!
Post Edited (multifacetedme) : 12/1/2016 12:20:41 PM (GMT-7)