From the link - Burrascano: In late stage disease, many degative effects to the body are occurring:the muscles are shrinking, weakening, and are being replaced by scar tissue and fat. "
I credit Dr for actually describing a stepped rehab plan, however, he could improve on it. He mentions scar tissue above, but does not say what to do for it.
The very first step should be identifying your worst specific areas , "damage assessment", paying attention first to scar tissue/adhesion's and tendonitis near joints.. You can only successfully repair muscles after those two areas are taken into consideration, as these are the range of motion "limiters" more than muscle tissue is. Its also an area not studied well in PT, but should be.
Traditional stretching of a hardened tendon or muscle with short ROM from scar tissue or adhesions safely, is not possible to do. In 10-15 years lets hope they understand this part better. The whole active release for tendon repair and scar tissue "grinding", and myofacial release is to traditional PT as LLMD's / NP's are currently to regular traditional MD's.
Also dont forget Foam roller rolling is a great way to warm up / detox the fascia without cardio right on the living room floor. Rolling and static pressure on on golf balls / lacross balls is one of the few ways to detox tendons and denser muscle fiber allowing new fluid replacement with oxygen killing the spirochetes wear there is minimal blood flow. If you have tendon issues I would strongly recommend an active release professional; they fix tendons if PT's cant. tendons are starting to improve, then heavier muscle work can begin.
I can move 25% more weight 5 minutes after 2 minutes of tendon release. That how important tendons are. The more I repeat this, the stronger they get.
Really stuck/hard or shortened tendons can take a long time to correct, but its possible with my stated methods. I have fixed tendons that were said to have permanent damage only repair able by surgery. Even the new prolo injection therapy work for a lot of people, but is spendy- try asking an ortho about
that- most dont even know about
it yet LOL. Conventional Medicine is so behind the times, its ridiculous.