Traveler said...
Hi Huddie,
We are hanging in there. No, the moon was NOT kind to us this month. Lol.
I just thought if another thing that may be if help. Caster oil packs.
Buzz, that's why it's one of a mods main thing, to recognize whoever posts so that they know they aren't being ignored. Sometimes someone's post slips through, but we do our best.
And it's not that mods know everything, only that we are here to help people feel the "community feeling" here, to guide them to any information that we do know, and, of course as rule keepers.
Hi Traveler.
Sorry for being late in wishing you and your husband well. I did not know about
what you were going through until I came back from my hiatus or should I say my Lyme 'Vision Quest' per se.
I have been told over the years that God never gives us more than we can carry. As a Lymie, I am more inclined to think that he simply gives us a stronger back. You amaze me in so many different ways Traveler. I christen you Trooper.
I recently visited another forum out of curiosity. Someone posted and after four days of no replies, he reached out again. So sad.
The Mods here may not know everything (who does) but you sure know a lot! And you are pretty good at deciphering the information. And most importantly, you know how to FIND the information.
Rule keepers. That makes me smile. You are all such gentle rule keepers.
Hope everything is uphill from here for you and your lovely husband. You must have been so happy to be home after the hospital stay.