Posted 12/16/2016 10:13 PM (GMT -5)
I used it for a short time for specific symptoms. I used it like I would any other herb or supplement, with the understanding that it's one of many tools at our disposal to be used in a holistic lyme treatment. Not that it's some quick miracle cure.
When the common buzzy, crawling, tingling sensation of the skin symptom of lyme was at its worse my LLMD gave (sold) me some to use specifically for this symptom(s). My LLMD had lyme when she was a younger woman so she had personal experience with silver helping greatly with these particular symptoms.
And she was correct. I herxed, those particular symptoms got worse, peaked, and then just stopped. It really did take care of those particular symptoms. But like 8 months later, I'm not quite symptom free yet so it's not a miracle cure.
But like others have said every bit helps.