Everyone who treats with Ozone has to be certified by Dr Rowan. You can find lots of his videos on Youtube.
Rowan and Schallenberger (sp?) are the two big ozone guys. They were sort of a team. Dr Rowan is only about
an hour and a half north of me so the ND's I've seen have chatted about
Here is the info on the multi pass system that you were referring to.
thepowerofozone.com/ozone-high-dose-10-pass/My LLND has the Zotzmann. Before he was treating with ozone he was referring to an ND that was using the other machine so I've had treatments with both. I've also had ozone treatments where they used gravity (no machine, this is most common). You want to ask if they have a machine. Imo ozone with the machine is FAR superior to ozone without the machine. It also takes much more time without the machine to do a pass. Ask what the fee will be for multiple passes. The first ND I went to charged the same amount for each pass. That was a rip off imo. Once the needle is in and the tubing and bottle are set up for the first pass the additional ones are very simple. My LLND charges $175 for the first pass and $50 every additional pass, bless him. It's still a lot of money but not the $195 per pass the other ****was charging.
Start with a single pass. Make sure you don't herx too much. I'd go up by a pass at a time. My blood is very thick due to Bart and it's clotting too fast so I've not had ozone in a month or so. I had a triple pass last week and the next day I felt really horrible, blinding head pain. I know a woman who doesn't have a very heavy toxin load but did a five pass the first time she did ozone. I could see how lousy she felt the next day. She had a terrible headache.
Just an FYI-The Zotzmann costs about
$11k. If I was a LLMD I would make the investment in a flash as it will pay for itself relatively quickly. A person can do 5 passes on a machine in under an hour easily while it can take an hour to do a single pass manually.