Chapelle said...
HOWEVER, if you are going to remain on amoxil, you definitely should be taking probiotics to prevent candida.
If you are not opposed to allopathics I found Diflucan (Fluconazole) to be very helpful in arresting the candida. I had it bad though and had to take it a long time. Most can take it once every 3 days for a short time.
It was only because I could not tolerate Itraconazole for more than a week (massive chest pains) that I went to Fluconazole and Nystatin.
My candida originated from mold spores and Itraconazole is more effective on spores. Although I was likely hit with multiple species of fungal and yeasts.
And they say guys can get yeast infections, what a load of crap that is.
Anyhow best wishes for your recovery.
julymorning said...
It is Christmas Eve, and I don't know what your climate is, but if the weather is mild, take your shoes off and walk barefoot in your yard(if it's a safe thing to do.)
Please don't do this, I did this and got worms. Always wear shoes. Leather soles will allow for grounding and protect you from hookworm