Travelor....the silver is also in my protocol...& it's suppose to attack very well on a cellular level...but if you mix with chlorophyll it's suppose to have a better effect in penentration into the cells even moreso than it already does.
Have you also been/or keeping up with taken coq10 for energy? because lyme people are low in coq10...also coq10 will regulate your cellular functions of entire body. becuz entire body uses co q10
another thing to consider vitamin D3....i'm sure you take this stuff but i know we forget...vitamin d3 is the immune modulator and can trigger hundreds of hundreds antimicrobials in your body. vitamin d3 is actually a hormone by the way.
remember the binders also...maybe increasing the binders will help...and drinking a lott of water.
i'm glad you are taking silver as well as I seems almost simultaneously huh? i just read your post and also had an updated post on this.
i'm working now on lyme herbs/detox herbs/ binders/ liver herbs/heart herbs/ ....make sure to support all systems..and good luck!
i've got a killer strategy going on by the way...things are looking consistently better...but yea your advice of the binder and everyone else who suggested was one of the greates things ive done to lower actually works.
Post Edited (lymedriven) : 1/1/2017 2:31:07 PM (GMT-7)