Posted 1/3/2017 10:48 AM (GMT -5)
My monthly update on symptoms. January 21st will be one year coming here. ALREADY? Haven't had as much opportunity to be online. Have my first appointment with a Buhner herbalist coming up - February. Hopefully can come up with an action plan for what remains, refine the protocol. I ordered some chronic tonic to mix it up a bit and some allicin (not Zhang) online to give that a go but that will take a bit to get here. In reviewing my January list, I still see I have issues, but they aren't so overwhelming that they get in the way of me fully living life and there is something to be said for that. I want to research for treating my thyroid and test that out myself. My GP doesn't think it is an issue, but I'd like to get my TSH down. Last test it was 3.65. Many people feel better when there's seems to be lower.
Happy New Year once again!
pain flares: neck, elbows, shoulders, ears...
cognitive issues: aphasia, no short term memory, occasionally smelling things not there
anxiety/low mood
mild gastritis
Low body temperature (is rising)
Hair loss
dry skin (have had my whole life)
old dance injuries: neck, hip
fragmented sleep
leg cramps
Sure is a lot less than this original list! No longer feel like I am dying.
Will be on holiday for a bit and offline - will see ya'all end of next week.
Original list
I prepared this before going in last week Tuesday for an aneurysm repair. I don’t have energy to track symptoms so I am letting go of this for now. I am focusing on rest, good nutrition, and my goal is to be able to dance again. I’ve grown so weak, fatigued, and other crap, my creative life has become all about stillness/mindfulness/gratitude, no active flow.
So frustrated with body - thought to begin keeping a journal of what I eat and what is going on.
Have been in good health my whole life, with the exception of some accidents, and a really gnarly case of shingles when I was 29 (I think, maybe 28). I have 4 bulging discs in my cervical spine. The past few years, in the fall, I’ve gotten a nasty cold. Last season it was with a fever, body aches, bronchitis - 3 1/2 months and also had a headache that lasted 3 1/2 months. I have really driven my body hard in life pursuing my passions and holding down a job to pay the bills.
ACTIVITY: I have cut back on activity and simplified my life: day job, eat well, rest. I am taking a ceramics class and do this one night per week.
2/15/2015 Cut out Cats Claw and Chlorella to prep for procedure. Not experiencing any “herxing”,which is what I think was happening 24 hrs. after I used it, and also, MOSTLY OUT OF PAIN from the pain meds, but all plugged up. Taking it easy until procedure. Can walk around 20 yards, then head hurts, so stop walking. Having the aneurysm treated may clear other stuff up.
Chest pain/heart
was out for dinner with friend, started getting passionate about something, heart/chest pain. Eased up when I chilled out. Lasted around 45 minutes.
Last season I had a headache that lasted 3 1/2 months. In 2015 I had a headache at least once a week, it became a daily headache in September. 5 months into the headache - although it is there - it hasn’t been as debilitating (have made some nutritional/supplement changes). It feels sometimes like something is shifting/moving in my head. I have detailed notes of the headache.
Weight Loss
I was running around 105-106, one month, down to 97 lbs. This hasn’t been intentional. Have made nutritional changes no sugar, no caffiene, mostly no alcohol (had a glass of beer last night), local organic produce, low sugar fruits, eggs/shrimp/tilapia nuts and seeds for protein, been working on cutting out gluten next.
No Appetite/Nausea
The nausea has improved, but I don’t have much of an appetite, I force myself to eat when I am not hungry.
Constipated. It feels like it hurts for things passing through my bowels, right side of body. Use a product from TJ’s when things really seem plugged up, and adding popcorn seems to help.
mild shaking in my left hand, sometimes my right
Slight improvement. I run out of energy around 5:30 pm. In bed by 8:00 - try and stay up until 9:00.
Sleep difficulties
Sometimes trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, pain has been so bad at times it keeps me awake.
Extreme thirst
I have never been one to drink much H20, extremely thirsty, can’t seem to get enough liquid. Dry lips, dry inside of my lips.
No Libido
My spouse has this too.
That seems to come and go, and isn’t attached to any sort of cold or anything. My spouse has this too.
Losing strength
Trying my best to keep up exercises, losing strength and stamina. Not able to dance.
Winded easily
I began to notice this a year or two ago actually. Difficult to walk up hills/stairs, get winded really easily. Sometimes it feels like I am not able to take as full of a breath as I used to be able to.
Difficulty regulating temperature
Get really cold, can’t seem to get warm, get in bed to warm up. My temperature has been running 96.8-97.4 when I take it. Also get hot and itchy and sweaty that feels really different than the hot flashes I would get while going through menopause. I looked in the mirror the other day to see if my face is flushed when I am hot, and noted it is hot.
itchy on and off, different parts of body
dry, scaly skin
Dry inside of my mouth
Growth: question about a growth that was white and has turned brown, now black - just because literature says you should ask your Dr. about this. Saw Dr. today, he said it was benign.
Have noticed these tiny red dots that appear on my chest, belly. Stephen has these two.
Body Reconditioning
Part of this is process, and what I was interested in exploring, but part of this is just a loss of strength, getting weaker and weaker, first feeling winded walking up hills.
Hair loss: head, under arm pits, legs, pubic hair (almost bald - ha ha ha!) - I want to know if this amount of hair loss is normal for post-menopausal women. Stopped monthly flow - I think 7 years ago.
Very dry hair
muscle spasms and tightness that goes around different parts of the body.
right thigh underneath, left thigh on top and side, right calf muscle, left forearm, right forearm.
Comes and goes - bilateral shoulder pain, pain in elbows, knees, fingers.
Puffy knees, wrist pain - both wrists.
Pain and cricks in mid-back, neck area, low back no pain
Flank pain
For a number of years actually, pain in my upper right abdomen that wraps around the back, and under the ribs.
Soles of feet began to ache on and off now and then. I haven’t observed this in the last month.
Vertigo, dizziness, lightheaded, woozy - comes and goes.
Fell flat on my face 2x this fall. When I was getting up from getting something from the fridge last week I had to hang on to the counter because I thought I was going to black out.
Cognitive Issues
I had four episodes of suddenly not being able to find words, when I spoke, I noticed my speech was slurred, my neck was tight, and the headache intensified. The slurring of the speech seemed to last for a day, then would clear up. I have difficulty with aphasia. Although I feel like there is some improvement, I have noticed difficulty processing information, and not being able to comprehend things as well. My short term memory is really poor. I also have thought I was writing one thing and when proving, see I substituted a different word - both typing and long hand.
I experience difficulty swallowing on and off
Jaw/Teeth pain
On and off - seems to be improving - gets more intense when headache is intense
Ear pain/pressure
On and off. More intense with right ear
Increased floaters (had this checked out already) With some headaches, pain behind eyes, more strongly behind right eye.
Itchy around joints. I observed an uptick when I added Cat’s Claw - especially my knees - hot and itchy. The itching around the knees has cleared. Then it moved to my elbows.
Crawling sensation
Feels like something is crawling on my scalp, itchy.
Managing Stress
I can’t manage the type of activity I used to - I get irritated really easily, frustrated easily, and don’t have much patience, also tend to get a little weepy (which is REALLY unlike me). Both my Psychiatrist and therapist say I am not depressed.
Brain Power
Don’t have the ability to process information like I used to. Can only do so much admin work. Seems like mental exercise at times increases the headache.
Mild Bells Palsy
I noticed this when reviewing videotapes from rehearsal and I was demonstrating a new dance technique I have been developing and in a really relaxed state, my right side droops. My husband also has this! His is more pronounced.
Right Breast Pain
Comes and goes. Last week it felt as bad as the shingles pain I had when I had shingles. The pain seems to wrap into the ribs. Also felt some in left breast.
Tinea Versicolor
I have had this on and off over the years. When they shaved my pubic hair for Thursdays procedure, I noticed I had a rash under the pubic hair! Oh no!
My partner has some similar symptoms. I have observed things cognitively about him, and he can’t get comfortable to sleep, and wakes up in the night, disrupted sleep. So this makes me wonder if it is something sexually transmitted, or something in the environment, or maybe just a freak coincidence.
There have been times when I think to myself, I can’t live in a body that is this miserable, and have seriously questioned if my physical body is crashing, and have wondered if I need to get my affairs together, or if I might not be alive for too much longer. Over the weekend, I felt a shift as if life was starting to flow back in me. I have never experienced anything like this in my life, and I’ve been through some pretty gnarly things.
Sensitive to light
Sensitive to sound - ask my spouse to stop playing piano because can't stand the loudness
Auditory Hallucinations
hear blips and beeps