Thanks! I ordered 100 mg. caps but may half them to begin with. My son is only 5' 2" and 95 lbs. Whoo-hoo on your son gaining 10 lbs.!
Thanks for the heads up on the herxing and the elimination advice - no TMI on this board.
I make him detox everyday.
I didn't write down the Tox-Ease ingredients but can get them of the bottle and send you tomorrow.
Babs 1: Ingredients:
– Red Clover
– Rue
– Wormwood
– Prickly Lettuce
– Valerian
– Nettle
– Anti-bacterial
– Anti-parasitic
– Anti-viral
– Anti-microbial
– Anti-inflammatory
– Anti-septic
I LOVE your vision of us on the beach. I didn't see the beach once last summer. Was sick in bed all of July/August, by September I could move to the sofa
I wish the same for you guys.