Posted 1/12/2017 3:00 PM (GMT -5)
I just cured myself of lyme after 8 years, easy home remedy, i was diagnosed last april after 8 years of not knowing what i had. so i have done nothing but research since april, it also took till september to get any antibiotics, i lost faith in the medical world. They dismissed me after 1 month of doxy and i was still sick. I found, read it a hundred times, i followed the instructions, it made me sick, im not going to lie,a couple hours after the last dose i was throwing up for about a half an hour and following 3 to 4 weeks i wasnt myself, i was able to go to work and took pepto for the nausia, but now after just 5 weeks i feel amazing, i havent felt this good in 8 years. im sharing this because i want to help everyone i can kick lyme for good. Have you had a cd57 test done? if you can, get that done first, then do this remedy, wait a month and have the cd57 test again, its proof that what i did worked...
In a 16 hour period this is what you need to do, get salt tabs from your pharmacy and 1000 mg of vitamin c, each dose will be 3 grams of salt(3 tablets) and 3000 mgs of c, take this dose every 4 hours four times, hence 16 hours, and thats it, i did also for the next few days take 1 and 1, 3 times a day for a few more days. my last lyme test was completely negative and my cd57 nearly doubled. This was just last week! i wanted to give it some time to see how i was feeling, ever day i wake better the next! lyme is a parasite that breed the bacteria. the antibiotics only kill the bacteria, not the parasite. you must kill the parasites! ivermectin is anti parasite medication you can get from you Dr. if they are willing to prescribe. like i said i gave up on mine dr and cured myself. Good luck! feel better!