Purrrsiankitty said...
the corruption within the CDC/Govt agencies is horrifying..
The money connection and conflict of interests behind lymerix, the original lyme vaccine, the vaccine that has shown the receiver contracts lyme....
The "adjustment" and continuing "readjustments" to what Is a reportable Lyme case by CDC requirements to keep numbers low.
The denial of medical professionals who will not treat or do not acknowledge the existence of chronic Lyme...If they came up with a case of conscience or conviction, I'm sure they would be looking for new employment.
The there is so many sinister angles to all this....
It may not be and most likely won't be lyme that exposes the corruption in this agency, more likely the metal laced vaccines they have pumped into children for decades. Then, follow the corruption with vaccine pharmaceuticals companies to the doctors and scientists who stand to gain substantially at the risk of the public.
What about the vaccine that is now being proven to cause autism?
If it wasn't for the internet, we would have no clue to all of this happening around us.
I thank God for people like RFK jr who had made the vaccination issue top priority. I pray for his safety as I feel as he is putting himself in harm's was coming out on this matter he is so convicted about.
Don't get me started on the FDA!
Sorry hope I don't sound to conspiracy theory ish. Too much time to think....
It is not conspiracy theory, it is being revealed by whistleblowers that the media refuses to give any coverage to at all. Makes me sick. Literally! lol! But we stopped vaccinating our children after we finally put the dots together and saw them getting sicker with each round. My oldest got hit the hardest as I was very pro vaccine as a young mother. But when you know better, you do better. And I gotta say, anecdotally, my kids do not get sick near as often as their friends who get the flu jabs every dang year. In fact, they haven't been sick at all this winter so far. Not once. I advise people, before you get shots, research research. Look at the cdc pink book lists of ingredients, research each individual ingredient, research the diseases vaccines are meant to prevent, stop living in fear of what used to be considered fairly benign childhood illnesses, look at the rise in more serious issues like life threatening allergies, childhood autoimmune diseases, and yes, autism and other mental health disorders. Look at the rise of shingles in young people. Question everything. You can always go and get "caught up" on shots but you can never undo them.