Again, I thank you for your kind assistance!
After I downloaded the video you shared, I attempted to copy it into my "Health" folder (so I could stream it from my computer to my TV) and I got an error message that the file already existed. It seems I'd already downloaded it - along with several other Hansa videos - but had not yet watched it!
(◔_◔) --- *sigh*
Between audio books, podcasts, online summits I've downloaded, YouTube videos I've downloaded, and e-books I've found, I have many thousands of items backlogged. (Maybe the Hansa Center can help me with my OCD tendencies, too!
) I think I need to stop downloading stuff for a while and catch-up. Or, better yet, maybe give it a rest.
I will watch the diet one tonight, though!
Finally, thank you, too, for that encouraging reminder that it's never too late to try something new!
While it's likely apparent from my long, rambling posts, I like to write. It's not the area in which I studied or trained, but I can manage the basics.
In real life, people often frustrate me, but I always feel an internal drive to help make things better for others. Currently, I hate that I don't have the energy or stamina to do much, except work at the keyboard. My mind is still functional. Mostly.
Most of all, I like to make people laugh. As a kid, I wanted to be a comedian, an artist/architect, or a singer. Instead, I succumbed to "the real world," joined the military, and later got an engineering degree - which cost a lot and I didn't really use. Instead, I worked in various technology fields.
So, it would be great to, finally, do something I love. Whatever that might be. Money is not much of a motivator for me. Beyond having enough to sustain myself and some extra to put-away for the future, it's not that interesting.
Oh, god grief. It seems our time is up for this therapy session!
Thanks again!
The Dude