Posted 1/24/2017 10:53 AM (GMT -5)
from last six months i suffer from condition called d lactac acidos.this condition induced by probiotics.d lactac acidos sympotams not differ from lyme itself.this condition induced due to heavily compromosid immune system that can not handle even good bacteria.this condition make me literely sucidial.but one month ago i found this condition and stopped all probiotic my sympotams down to 50%.but sill feeling not good but from last 3 day i completely stopped dairy product that contain lactobacccilus whole day i feel very my aim for this posting is that if you suffer from only neurolyme and not making process with antibiotics then probely you suffer from this do study this condition and try.if you progress then must do reply..
d lactac acidos condition shown in all cfs/me patient due to overgrowth of lactiacid baccilus in stomach.