Hi Gotserved84 - welcome to our community!
I am so sorry your whole family has lyme disease...but i am glad you found us here.
Where do I start?
I don't know how much you're wanting to spend on testing your family...but if you want the best bang for your buck, then I suggest the Igenex Western Blot IgM and IgG - it will be $210 for each family member.
You can order tests kits from Igenex and they will mail them to you. Then have a Dr. sign the lab req's...and take to a lab for the blood draw. It can be any Dr. - a Naturopath, MD, Chiropractor...can all sign.
www.igenex.com/Website/If you can't get a Dr. to sign the lab reqs, then there is another option...you can go through TrueHealthLab - no Dr. necessary.
www.truehealthlabs.comIt does appear to be more costly that way, though.
You can get the tests done now and take the results to your first LLMD appt....OR wait until you see the LLMD and get him to sign off on the lab req.
To find a LLMD in your area, please start a new thread titled: "Looking for LLMD in/near______" and fill in the blank.
In addition to getting recommendations from forum members, you can also email me and I will see what I have listed for your area.
There are herbal protocols you can do, as well. Buhner's is a popular one on this forum, Cowden is another.
We encourage all new members to read through the thread at the top of the page titled: "New to Lyme?..start Here!" It's packed full of useful information.
I am glad you found this forum - this is a great group - lots of knowledge and support here...