So a treatment protocol is not necessarily a detox protocol. Right?
Yes And a treatment protocol can cause a herx reaction, right?
Yes A detox protocol can also cause a herx reaction?
YesBut a detox protocol is supposed to get rid of the toxins from the treatment protocol that is killing the lyme bacteria, right?
Yes So my body may suffer from symptoms from:
They can all cause uncomfortable symptoms, right?
Yes Hang in there!!! It IS confusing!! But, let us see if we can help you understand a bit better.
Here is an article that may help explain the detoxing causing uncomfortable symtpoms: Essentially, we have a careful balance we must keep in order to keep our symptoms under control - not moving through treatments and raising doses too fast, and not herxing so much that our symptoms get out of control. Not everyone has detox issues, but many of us do. Many of us that have issues with detoxing is because we have gene mutations that prevent our body from being able to move those toxins smoothly and easily through our detox pathways.
When we have these gene mutations, often just supplementing Methyl B-12 and methyl folate is enough to "
open" those pathways (we are actually helping to make connections that our bodies can't make on their own due to the gene mutations). There are some that have further gene mutations that need more help in getting their detox pathways
open for easier detoxing.
Often times, we don't even notice that we have issues with detoxing, until we get sick and our symptoms are more serious. Once a person has a set of infections like we talk about
here all the time, it can very suddenly become obvious that something is haywire!
In an effort to not be even more confusing, I'll stop there unless you have more questions. LOL!