summer16 said...
Thank you, Traveler. I didn't have a problem with the B's. I just might nix this doctor. I have calls into him for over a week with no replies. I feel totally alone in this process and my symptoms are escalating. I want to start Buhner's protocol but frozen with fear. What's up with that??? I was always a person who took the bull by the horns.
Thank you so much for always being there for us. You are a blessing.
Hang in there, Patty! I do understand. When I was ready to restart treatments this last time (12/16), I found myself in the same shoes - pretty much frozen with fears of what I was about
to face. I've had some pretty serious issues previously with treatments and detoxing, as you likely know.
What I have found is that each time will be slightly different. Why? Because we are smart enough to build on what we know is true for our bodies. Even if you start treating with a different protocol, or change something, we keep in mind what we learned, so we are better off.
Take a deep breathe - you know what you are doing for the most part, and likely about
as well as anyone else. You know your body.
And I agree with Krimpet, we can't hold off treatments until all of these things are 'fixed', but we do need to learn to deal with them, and things can get bumpy until we do get things figured out better and better.
And, I'm of the personality that if I can't get a hold of a doctor to get them to return a message when I'm in an urgent situation, then I just find another doctor. Been through that too many times.