Welcome to our community, abatement!
Those symptoms could be attributed to Lyme disease ...along with a bite....I'm thinking you should have an Igenex Lyme WB IgM and IgG done for $210.
To post a pic, you have to go through a third party site...such as photo bucket or tiny url.
If you are interested in doing the Igenex test...just call them and order a test kit.
www.igenex.com/Website/Do you have a Dr. who'd be willing to sign the lab req so you could take to a lab for the blood draw?
We encourage all new members to take a look through the thread at the top of the page titled: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" It's packed full of useful information.
Those symptoms aren't all explained with an osteoarthritis diagnosis...the twitching, the TMJ, brain fog...vertigo..
Please keep reading, ask us questions...that's what we're here for.