pmm73 said...
I keep touching it to see if it's still sore and enlarged....yes, it is. And now even more painful because I keep touching it. LOL! I'm like a five year old.
I am sure you have heard the joke --
Patient: Doctor it hurts when I do this.
Doctor: Don't do that.
Warm/Cold Compression
When there is tenderness in the swollen nodes, then it can be relieved with warm/cold compression treatment. For this, you need one bowl of warm water and a bowl of ice-cold water. Firstly, dip a washcloth into the warm water and then place the damp cloth over them for 10 minutes. Then, dampen another washcloth with cold water and put it on the affected nodes for the next 10 minutes. You can repeat this after a gap of every one hour.
Swollen lymph nodes are not a disease unto themselves. They are a result that something is not right in the body. Be it viral, bacterial or fungal. It is a warning system.
Mine have been my tattle tale to my mother since I was a wee child. She would put her hand behind my ear and say, "you are getting sick, get to bed." Sure enough I would wake up with a cold the next day.