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This is an example using Concrobium Mold Control Spray : have an environmental cleanup question. I am ozonating the attic as I type this.
Our ceilings tiles are made from PVC panels and there is no buffer zone or insulation. The rafters are made of metal as well as the roof. The walls are painted concrete. The floor is concrete tile with minimal area throw carpets.
I contracted my condition from the environment. My home had the formerly leaky roof. This is a continuously dusty environment near a dormant volcano. Strong winds coming from the top of the mountain can kick up a lot of this environmental dirt and dust. The soil is sand and rock.
As I attempt to save my home and avoid having to find another place to live, I have come up with a plan but could use input on the order in which I should use the following products.
I am going to use a cold fogging machine with all of these products.
Its the order and possibly areas of use that I need insight on.
Experience is a plus but not needed I just am trying to make sure I am being sensible in my approach and application.
The goal is super clean the once contaminated surfaces.
There is no visible mold now but we have high humidity frequently here regardless of the favorable temps year round that we don't have AC ducts or heater needs (other than water).
During the rainy season this moisture and maybe grease from cooking seems to be all the food needed for mold to grow on the ceiling tile (PVC) inside the house.
The products I have and am considering using in order are 35% Benzyl benzoate in the attic (a treatment for mites and mite contaminated surfaces) although there is little evidence of any infestation, insects do die up there and we have a resident gecko of which I know nothing about
his bathroom etiquette habits. I assume he cares less about
where he voids.
Then fog Concrobium Mold Control Spray (non toxic) on the interior side of the ceiling tile. This lays down a mold spore crushing barrier that continues to work at preventing mold growth.
Lastly I am planning to fog the interior ceiling with Kleen-Free (non toxic) which are living bacterial enzymes that are supposed to control dangerous bacteria.
Everything would be allowed to dry for a couple days before moving on to the next.
Thoughts on order of use, areas of use, or avoiding benzyl benzoate or others altogether? Other suggestions of other products or ideas?