Posted 3/20/2017 11:24 AM (GMT -5)
Hi, can you please help me understand results. Just received today.
Analysis Result Units Reference Range Chart
5 Blood count
5 Leucocytes 8,10 Tsd./ul 4,00 - 10,40 [ .....*.. ]
5 Erythrocytes 4,34 Mill./ul 3,96 - 5,16 [ ..*..... ]
5 Hemoglobin 12,8 g/dl 11,6 - 15,5 [ ..*..... ]
5 Hematocrit 43,80 % 35,00 - 45,00 [ .......* ]
5 MCV + 100,90 fl 80,00 - 96,00 [ ........ *>
5 MCH 29,50 pg 26,00 - 33,00 [ ....*... ]
5 MCHC - 29,20 g/dl 32,00 - 36,00 <* ........ ]
5 Thrombocytes 363,00 Tsd./ul 176,00 - 391,00 [ ......*. ]
5 Differential Blood count
5 Neutroph. Granulocytes 67,80 % 40,00 - 75,00 [ ......*. ]
5 Lymphocytes 18,60 % 17,00 - 47,00 [ *....... ]
5 Monocytes 11,20 % 4,00 - 12,00 [ .......* ]
5 Eosin. Granulocytes 0,90 % < 7,00 [ .*...... ]
5 Basoph. Granulocytes 1,50 % < 2,00 [ ......*. ]
Borrelia EliSpot
1 Borrelia b. Full Antigen 0 SI
0-1 = negative
2-3 = weak positive
> 3 = positive
1 Borrelia b. OSP-Mix ! 2 SI
0-1 = negative
2-3 = weak positive
> 3 = positive
1 Borrelia burgdorferi LFA-1 ! 2 SI
0-1 = negative
2-3 = weak positive
> 3 = positive
The results of the Elispot tests indicate weak current
cellular activity against Borrelia burgdorferi.
Explanation of antigens:
Borrelia-burgdorferi Full Antigen: Borrelia burgdorferi B31
reference strain (Borrelia b sensu stricto)
Borrelia-burgdorferi Peptide Mix: OspA from Borrelia b.
sensu stricto, Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii + OspC
native + DbpA recombinant.
Borrelia-burgdorferi LFA-1 (Lymphocyte Function Antigen 1)
Own body protein + Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto
(shared epitope). LFA1 can be associated with autoimmune
diseases: collagenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
vasculitis. If positive or borderline positive look at:
ANA, CCP-antibodies, ANCA.
CD3-/CD57+ Cells
5 CD3-/CD56+ Flow Cytometry
5 T cells CD3+ (%) 65,70 % 62,00 - 80,00 [ .*...... ]
5 T cells CD3+ (absolute) 990 /ul 900 - 1900 [ *....... ]
5 NK cells CD56+ CD3- (%) 13,40 % 6,00 - 29,00 [ ..*..... ]
5 NK cells CD56+ CD3- (absolute) 202 /ul 60 - 700 [ .*...... ]
5 CD57+ NK-cells (%) 20,96 % 2,00 - 77,00 [ ..*..... ]
5 CD57+ NK-cells (absolute) - 42 /ul 100 - 360 <* ........ ]
The result of the CD57-cell count indicates chronic
immune-suppression, which can be caused by Borrelia
burgdorferi or other bacteria like Chlamydia pneumoniae or
Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Ehrlichia & Anaplasma EliSpot
1 Ehrlichia/Anaplasma EliSpot 0 SI
0-1 = negative
2-3 = weak positive
> 3 = positive
The result of the EliSpot test indicates no current cellular
activity against Ehrlichia/Anaplasma.
Chlamydia pneumoniae EliSpot
1 Chlamydia pneumoniae-EliSpot 1 SI
0-1 = negative
2-3 = weak positive
> 3 = positive
The result of the EliSpot test indicates no current cellular
activity against Chlamydia pneumoniae.
Coxsackie IgG-/IgA-antibodies
3 Coxsackie-Virus IgG A7 (IFT) + 1:10000 < 1:100 [ ........ *>
3 Coxsackie-Virus IgG B1 (IFT) + 1:10000 < 1:100 [ ........ *>
3 Coxsackie-Virus IgA A7 (IFT) + 1:1000 < 1:10 [ ........ *>
3 Coxsackie-Virus IgA B1 (IFT) + 1:100 < 1:10 [ ........ *>
The specific Coxsackie-Virus Type A7/B1-IgG-/IgA-antibodies
indicate current humoral immune response against
Coxsackie-Virus Type A7 and Coxsackie-Virus Type B1.
The test system is highly specific for Coxsackie Virus
antibodies. Other Enterovirus antibodies (f.e. Echovirus
antibodies) are not detectable.