I mean, this is highly different from what my LLMD recommended, and I've had great success. So I'd do whatever your doc says. The main thing would be a low/no carb type of diet with no sugars and an avoidance of processed food. I eat meat and cheese on the reg with no issues.
mpost said...
welcome to the club !
so diet:
- no gluten
- no dairy - actually here one yogurt or kefir a week will not kill you really - so if u eat dairy eat only fermented dairy, and not on a daily basis...
- as little sugar as possible, that includes fruit that are very rich in sugar, honey, etc...
- no ocean fish as the last thing u need is some extra heavy metals. many ppl with chronic inflammatory disease, lyme or not, have toxic levels of heavy metals
- no red meat, well, only occasionally and if your gut is ok with it
- lots of raw nuts of all kinds, but NOT roasted
- coconut butter/milk as much as u can eat
- lemon water
- hemp protein or other sources of protein that are not produced from milk protein. Hemp is excellent
- green tea sweeten with stevia, the stevia sweetener may help the treatment a bit, green tea lowers inflammation, if u cannot stand the tea caffeine at all u can try caffeine free EGCG pills
- turmeric + black pepper - i usually eat a teaspoon a day, with soup
- buckwheat instead of plain rice/potatoes, it is considered a superfood, has lots of minerals and proteins and lower glicemic index than potatoes/rice
- almond milk or GF oat milk for cereal, i eat it with buckwheat flakes and hemp
- as many veggies as possible , at least one big salad a day
- for salad use olive or linseed oil instead of sunflower, careful not to eat huge amounts of linseed as it affects your thyroid