k07 said...
Girlie said...
k07 said...
tickbite666 said...
I used Minocycline, Plaquenil, Rifampin a few years back with some good progress before weaning off Rx to herbs only and relapsed.
right now I'm pulsing Ceftin and Bactrim 2 week on, 2 weeks off
Have you ever tried A-Bart?
This is my combo (mino/plaq/rif) but haven't been on it long. How long were you on it?usual doses: 100 twice daily mino and 300 twice daily riffy?
no pulsing...though, right?Working up to that. Still on mino 50 mg/2x and rif 300mg/1x. Adding second rif on Sat.How are you feeling on the half doses?
BTW - does your LLMD tell you to start slow? Mine doesn't usually...but when I did that combo, he wanted me on half dose mino for a bit (I think it was only a week)...but didn't want me to start Rifampin until 4 weeks later (and half dose - but maybe that was more about
my liver enzymes...he had me test them before going to full dose)