Possibly the source of the charcoal?
/blog.bulletproof.com/the-strangest-way-to-detox/ Excerpt:
"Where to Find High Quality and Pure Activated Coconut Charcoal
common charcoal tablets come in ineffectively small doses or inconvenient, messy powders, and are typically made from cheap, low quality (often unidentified) materials , it was essential to upgrade the options and create our own!
The brand new and carefully produced Upgraded Coconut Charcoal is ultra fine and highly purified. We use acid washing, a more expensive extra step, to remove
toxic heavy metals that are a problem in many preparations of most charcoal . The ultra fine charcoal grains make it absorb more and work better. It is so fine that it required a new process to pack its ultra fine grains into capsules without damaging the manufacturing machines. This added step results in charcoal increased surface area to create maximum adsorption."