Hey, this is my first time posting on this forum. This is probably going to be long so sorry in advance... I just don't what to do anymore...I've been having Lyme symptoms since July and it's basically ruined my life. I was supposed to move into college in Sept. but these symptoms were eating me alive and they still are and now I'm stuck in an abusive household I've spent my whole life trying to get away from and I'm sick with something no doctor can diagnose...It's just all so stupid, I worked so hard to get to this point in my life and right when things are about
to finally get better and change, I get this stupid disease. Rant over lol.
Ok, so my entire body is messed up. I can't even type all of my symptoms because it's so much. I tried to write down all of my symptoms and when they came the other day and it ended up being 4 pages long...but basically every single part of my body is effected in some way. My vision (seeing black dots/sparkles/floaters/shaking/flashing/it's so annoying why), I have constant pain in my chest, ribs, back, and stomach. I get twitching, tingling, weird sensations like feeling like water is dripping or exploding in my head and the rest of my body, weakness/feeling faint/tired all the time/barely being able to walk, swelling, loud crackling noises in my neck and throat & now weird noises in my stomach as well, ear problems, and my #1 favorite symptom that just started last month: not being able to swallow anything. even my own saliva and water are difficult. I've been living off of yogurt, flan, and protein drinks....I've lost 30 pounds and I feel so weak all the time. I tried to summarize the best that I could idk I hope this makes sense.
I've seen a ton of specialists: eye doctor (found nothing), neurologist (made me get a spinal tap and EMG. they both showed nothing and made me feel worse. after the EMG i felt like I was going to die. I had to go to the ER. my head felt so heavy I felt like I was gonna tip over and fall, I couldn't stand up. scariest thing ever), rheumatologist (the only nice doctor I got, she tested me for a lot of things but all that came up was low vitamin D and negative for lyme
, GI doctor (hasn't really done anything bc i refuse to get an endoscopy), ENT's, a cardiologist once and I think that's it.
I don't think the neurologist I went to was "lyme literate" though. Because if he was, he wouldn't have made me get a spinal tap after 2 months of symptoms, as if it would show up there. Although I was also worried about
MS so I guess that's why he made me have it. I can't find any lyme literate doctors in my area so I don't know what to do :/ I've had a lot of testing done, blood tests, 500 chest xrays, neck xrays/catscan, brain mri/catscan (showed 2 lesions but doc said it meant nothing), EKG's, and nothing.
My ENT sent me to get a barium swallow and a swallow study videofluoroscopy for the difficulty swallowing and I'm scared that it'll effect my other symptoms but I guess I'll have to do it anyway. Has anyone else had these studies done while having lyme symptoms? And how did you end up finding a doctor that diagnosed you? Everyone has pretty much given up on me. The ER never helps and they send me to specialists but those don't help either. I'm trying to find a new neurologist that's lyme literate but it's hard...
Anyone else have all these symptoms and everything comes back negative? What do you suggest? I guess I just want some reassurance that I'm not alone. I feel like I'm dying most of the time and it's so annoying when I'm only 18 and I feel like I can't function and I can't move on with my life...doctors tend to brush everything off bc of my age too and say that I'm too young to have health problems or that it's just "anxiety" or "hallucinations". lol sure. it's been almost a whole year. It's so annoying feeling like I can't trust any doctor to help me, that's what they're supposed to be there for, you know? And this is seriously messing up my mental health too. Like it's making me depressed and ruining my outlook on life. This post is getting too long but honestly I'd appreciate any responses. Thanks.