Huddie said...
Thank you. This helps a lot (changing one molecule).
I swear I'm like a kid and need everything Lyme dumbed down. I used to have a pretty good working mind. I hope it reverses.
Question: how did you heal your mold?
I had mold specialist come to house and say it is low to non existent (from outside air/leaves, etc... not a leak or anything) and we tested negative. However, I have always wondered...
The mold was an invasion of one or more dimporphic fungi taking hold. All this means is that some of the molds inhaled converted to yeast at body temperature.
I attribute most of the gains made versus the mold to the following: Fluconazole 400mg/day, Nystatin 2 week pulse with a redosing in 2 weeks followed by once in a while for a few days. If you don't herx your not needing it. Xylitol was only a recent discovery but a powerful one. 1/4 tsp increments daily towards a 2 tsp. limit. Nascent Iodine in 1mg increments with a cap at 15mg.
I was also eating raw garlic which helped a bit.
No refined sugar, no bread, no 'nutritional' yeast.