Huddie said...
Sent husband out for astragalus. How much should my son take?
Can it keep him up?
Just gave him 200 mg. of Doxcy and giving him another 200 mg. before bed - is that too much?
Jemsek said just give one but I remember reading that Buhner said to take two first time you see one.
Put on antibiotic cream (thanks!)
BJD, yes possibly from dog and definitely doing the meds.
Pray he doesn't get a bulls eye or more symptoms everyone.
Feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown right now.
As others have said, since he's already treating aggressively with abx, AND you gave him doxy, it shouldn't be a problem. I don't know about
up your way, but here in norcal, I've read about
10-20% of the ticks are infected. Hope you can relax and enjoy the weekend.