PeteZa said...
Lyme is so full of mysteries that we may never know.
I am making a list for God when I get there!
If you are detoxing, haven't upped any meds, then it is probably just plain ole lyme.
I swear it moved around me looking for a place to build a home. I just kept chasing it with herbs so it would finally get the heck out of me and leave me alone.
What worked for me is cold on the back of my neck. I put an ice pack on it and that made it feel better for me. It was only temporary, but cold was what worked for me.
Others say, "oh no! don't do cold, do hot!"
So my thought is we are constantly being our own guinea pig to find out what works. There is definitely no one-size-fits-all with lyme.
I do feel your confusion. I have been there and am now watching hubby go through these questioning of symptoms. I just tell him, "it's just stupid lyme."
My husband says, "It's just Lyme" and I think...what if it isn't!! What if it's something horrible and I'm gonna die!! It's not funny, but it is. I'm almost a year into this journey and while the paranoia is down, I'm never surprised at the new and exciting symptoms Lyme throws at me. It's always something new.
I took a short nap and it's mostly gone now, although my left cheek feels kind hot, like before you get hives. I don't get hives, but I did once many years ago.
Thanks for chiming in Peetza.