Georgia Hunter said...
You should see the looks I get when I talk to a physician. I had a neurologist tell me a few weeks ago "I don't know what you're talking about." They basically try to avoid me or change the subject.
This thread is hilarious which makes it sad actually. I would pay to be a fly on the wall when you do this to a doctor with all the money and time they have spent training to be a drug dealer.
The last time I saw a doc in the states he pulled out one of those antiquated mallets and did the reflex test by my knee.
"Yes that muscle still works, doc, now about
the pain......"
I've always equated that to a parlor trick for some reason.
I asked him do you ever learn anything about
anyone's condition from the reflex test? He tried to sound convincing that it is a useful test. I am not convinced.
No doc I have spoken to here believes mold can cause problems. The Panamanians are immune to it, probably due to high exposure as children. Many of us gringos get allergic responses. I got my *** kicked by it. I wish I would have figured it out sooner.
I'll take you guys over any white coat any day. I dont know what I would do without all of you. I am so lucky to have you guys.