In rife world there are 3 types , contact ,plasma and coil. .the contact delivers freq by direct probably via water and electricity ,the plasma actually uses a radio frequency like am modulation ..and the doug coil works by emf by sheer wattage and proximity.
so spooky is a brand .supposedly nz developers who mfg out of china .they have a little contact model and a plasma model one being 200-300 and the other being 2500-3000$
to make a rife you need 3 components basically..a frequency generator ,a amp and a delivery method . has some plasma ones using car coils for 550$ its one freq at a time with simple 8 bit freq generators .. spooky allows one to use their pc as the database for the frequency sets can even have the software for free,try it out ..project has some very good post on rife if you look back.
the swiss generator is a self contained lil contact machine that packs a wallop. u have burned myself 2x with how much viltage it kicks and not spreading out points of contact .i guess its the rife health r5 rezonator good for rifing on the go uses a lil usb to program n charge .