OK, OK, if you can spell it you can have it, as my Grandpa would say, LOL!!
In my quest for a more in depth understanding of what it is about
Lyme that gets us, and keeps us, sick I am always on the look out for what connects the dots.
I am posting this for that reason.
I know that it is principally about
Autism and vaccinations, and I know this is a contentious issue and do NOT want to cause a debate on that, but what I found fascinating was the overlap between the science here and that outlined in the work of scientists studying/treating Lyme and even Buhner (the science content at the front of his Healing Lyme book for example).
I know that the actually 'sciency stuff' is a little involved in it's descript
ion and terminology, but for those of you not that way inclined, or lyme brain puddled as I was, it is still interesting in a general sense.
Particularly nearing the end when he discusses what can be done to begin to remedy the situation where he comments on treatments that many here are using or aware of, such as Resveratrol, Magnesium, Curcumin etc, etc as well as a mention of tetracycline abx (which while have different pros and cons for Lyme specifically I thought it was interesting that they may also have another function)
Anyhow, I am still reading round the science and any thoughts or feedback would be gratefully accepted