Posted 5/2/2017 5:55 PM (GMT -5)
Huddie, I went to a doctor years ago and said that I was crying for no reason. Just driving down the road I would start crying.
He said to me, "Well how are you sleeping?"
I said, "Come to think of it, not super good like I used to."
He said, "Ah ha, that's it, sleep deprivation and you need an anti-depressant." And off I went with a script. I took the pills for a couple of days and became a zombie. I felt nothing. No joy, no sad. I was nothing.
I quit the pills and went to another doctor and he said, "Well, it is obvious that you are going through menopause." I had no outward sign of menopause because I had no inner parts to tell me.
See how doctors can get screwed up.
Just like the neurologist that I asked, "Could this head pain be from lyme disease?'
His reply, "No! You don't get headaches with lyme disease."
Forgive them for they know not what they are talking about.